March 2, 2010

[Our 1st Smoothie and Today's Meals]

I think I used too much yogurt and not enough ice. But it still tasted great! It was the Tropical Fruit one. I added some yogurt (duh) and spinach. It was a little thick and for some reason, with a houseful of kids, we have no straws (note to self, get straws!). The taste was fantastic - fruity!! Xander (14 year old) claimed he can taste the carrots (yuck to him) - I called bull shit stuff.  He's full of it. You could, however, see little orange flecks, so he knows they were in there, but you cannot (I repeat, cannot) taste the carrots. Silly boy. ;)

Besides a cup of our smoothie, we each had a hard-boiled egg and a half a slice of wheat toast with a smear (if you can call it that) of butter.

I have no idea what the husband had as he leaves for work before the drool is even dry on my pillow. I hope he took a Nature's Valley granola bar at least.  He can taste my smoothies on Thursday's and Friday's when he's off of work! Bet he can't wait!

Nico isn't awake yet - but when he gets up, I have a mini smoothie and egg for him as well! ;)

For lunch... I was by myself and out and about. Everything and Nothing sounded good (or good for me). I opted for Chipotle. I am addicted to their burritos, but this time, I opted for their Salad (or bowl, whatever you call it). Lettuce, Chicken, Pinto Beans, and a little bit of cheese. It was good and I felt okay about it.

Leftovers.  Between Sunday and Monday's meals, we have leftovers. So, we have either the Lasagna or the Buffalo Chicken pizza (homemade). I will let the kids pick what they want!

We went to the gym today! It's hard getting all the kids there, changed twice for swimming, and getting back out - but we had a blast and it's bound to get easier, right?  I did 1/2 a mile on the treadmill (10 minutes) and chased Nico around the playpool for an hour (a HUGE workout in-it-self). I also went on the HUGE water slide - I thought I was going to fall outta that thing.  Anyway, a good time was had by all!!

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